Chancellor's Message


Ankushrao N. Kadam

Accomplishment of Dream : MGM University

We are in a world which is facing revolutionary change, uncertainty and inevitable interconnectedness, hence there is a responsibility of a higher eduction sector not only to produce knowledge but provide solutions to persistent and complex socio-economic problems of our times. It is more important when there is mismatch between knowledge and action. Therefore, we need a multi-disciplinary orientation in research. Higher education Institutions and universities aiming to overcome this disconnection between knowledge production on one hand and the demand for knowledge applications to solve societal problems at large on the other hand. In view of this, with the Quality legacy of MGM group of Institutions in establishing 67 forward looking Institutes, Colleges and Centers of education & higher learning as a step ahead in the natural academic growth we are established The MGM University at Aurangabad, to mark the celebration of 150th birth anniversary of father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi.

At present in India there are 911 Universities and among them 333 are private universities contributing to the increase in GER (Gross Enrollment Ratio) to convert India into a knowledge Society. The MGM University at Aurangabad, Capital city of Marathwada region is the first Self-finance university of this culturally rich but economically backward region, (Established by an Act. No. XXVI of 2019, Government of Maharashtra). In my opinion Quality Higher education has direct correlation with the development of any region or for that matter any nation, as it develops the quality human capital for the overall progress of the region and ultimately the nation. Following the path of Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy, MGM has made its strong foothold in the world of education, with a vision to provide quality education of global standards on the bed-rock of Indian ethos and culture, leading to man-making and nation-building and there cannot be another auspicious occasion other than 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi to launch MGM University.

MGM adheres to the Gandhian ideology of 'Swarajya' which personifies individual growth .MGM essentially focuses on imparting education because it serves the purpose of making individuals independent and competent to sustain in the societal pressures they face. The Trust also emphasizes on empowerment of women by providing quality education. Through its glorious span of 37 years more than 64 Colleges , Institutions, Centers and a Health university are catering primary education to higher learning in the field of Medical Sciences, Engineering , Sciences and technology, Agricultural Sciences, Management, Humanities, Social Sciences, Sports, Schools and Social Initiatives. I hope the student community & parents will support this new academic venture of MGM trust.